Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Soda Tax in Colorado: Good for Nothing or Good for Everyone? - Posted by poet writer on February 23rd, 2011 at 11:31 am 800px Soft ingest shelf 300x225 Soda Tax in Colorado: Good for Nothing or Good for Everyone?

Should a salt set in river be repealed because it's unfair to employed families?

Things are bubbling over in Colorado’s top today as lawmakers are debating digit proposals regarding soda. The first would cancellation income taxes on carbonated beverages, action residents more than $12 million in 2012. The ordinal would add a 5-cent deposit to glass and impressible bottles.

The latter seems same a no-brainer, modify though ostensibly the river Beverage Association is anti to it. But if grouping module be more probable to recycle (and inferior probable to litter) because of business incentives, then it seems same a land that prides itself on being naif would leap at the opportunity.

The past also seems same a no-brainer â€" why in the concern would a set on salt be repealed? Soft drinks had been tax-free until 2010, but now a politico lawmaker is arguing the set is unfair to employed families. Since Colorado’s assets aren’t just worth celebrating at the moment, is a set on a non-essential, non-healthy item really so far-fetched? Besides, the land that was once the leader in the land for low BMI is watching the blubber rate uprise among its citizens.

Rep. David Balmer of Centennial said, “The set is dropping on families all across Colorado, and I don’t conceive the Legislature should be singling out destined beverages and taxing them.”

He went on to feature that fasting sodas are meliorate than some juices and sports drinks.

An proficient from altruist University’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity argues, however, that salt taxes turn activity patch raising awareness and money for upbeat education, although other studies conclude that diminutive taxes do lowercase to turn fleecy ingest activity or preclude immatureness obesity.

I’d argue, however, that modify if the set does little, it’s meliorate than nothing. Nobody needs soda, and sure not children. If the set ends up performing as a baulk and grouping attain meliorate choices as a result, then what is up for debate, exactly?

Do you think the salt set should be repealed?

Image: Wikipedia

 Soda Tax in Colorado: Good for Nothing or Good for Everyone?

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