Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Leave It To A Toddler: King’s Speech Academy Award Winner’s Daughter Breaks His Oscar

babble.com - Posted by Monica Bielanko on March 8th, 2011 at 7:53 pm side oscar 165x300 Leave It To A Toddler:  Kings Speech Academy Award Winners Daughter Breaks His Oscar

Don't hand your accolade to a toddler. DUH!

You could call it the eventual party foul.  And it was sworn by the bambino girl of digit of this year’s accolade winners.

Winning an accolade is a dream come true for anyone in the film making community.  Being bimanual that shiny, gold figure is commendation that your hornlike impact attained you the maximal take in your field.  accolade brings prestige, respect and more impact in a notoriously arduous industry.

Such was the housing for the producers of Best Picture-winner “The King’s Speech,” who overcame several hurdles including finance to get their flick made.

Unfortunately, in his apparent experience over winning, co-producer saint Egan allowed his accolade to be bimanual to his fifteen-month old girl to hold.  Yes, that’s right.  I said he bimanual his shiny, newborn accolade to his bambino to hold.

Lara Egan, the girl of co-producer saint Egan, was bimanual the accolade by the grandson of Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush’s character) so that she could impact her picture taken with it.

You crapper guess what happened next.

She held it for a second and then tossed it divagation same a dirty, stuffed animal. And it was caught on video. The figure impact the ground, feat dents and breaking the Oscar’s chest plate.  Egan saw it fall, but he was likewise far absent to do anything.

Stunned silence ensued.  Tears too.

There is a bright ending.  You crapper envisage this isn’t the first instance an accolade has been damaged.  The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is fixing the trophy.  “I was afraid the night before to modify achievement crossways the agency with it,” Egan told The Telegraph in the UK, “but they were like, ‘Come in, it is fine, make an appointment, and we will impact it fixed.’”

Egan has scholarly a rattling valuable warning most toddlers.  Namely, NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER GIVE THEM ANYTHING OF VALUE TO HOLD.


Here is a artful ordered of pictures depicting the black event and the lovable bambino in question.

 Leave It To A Toddler:  Kings Speech Academy Award Winners Daughter Breaks His Oscar

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