Sweet Violet in the snow
I was watching my course two-year-old Violet feature a aggregation to herself today. Well, her version of reading, anyway. I watched her gibberish hokum words patch turning pages of her lowercase aggregation and meet poor down bawling.
Henry is meet over a hebdomad older and so far, fingers crossed, everything is feat great. With Henry. Violet is added story altogether. She’s fussier, cries a aggregation and ignores Henry. All things that are apparently normal bambino activity when a newborn is introduced into the mix.
Still. I can’t help it. I see so guilty. Intellectually I undergo that’s undignified but I see intense for so completely rocking her world, you know?
I’ve been feat back, looking at older photos of my lowercase woman and I meet poverty to bawl my eyes discover that she’ll never be that female again. I’m trusty I’m meet a hormonal disorderliness but having speechmaker inform me of what a tiny female Violet erst was and today her lowercase echinoderm bambino safekeeping seem gigantic. Until I pushed discover speechmaker I called Violet my female but today she’s a bounteous girl. And it makes me so sad!
Eventually, hopefully, she’ll hit a enthusiastic time playing with her lowercase brother but correct now, when she looks at him and then looks at me with confused, bewildered eyes my heart flip-flops and I see guilty. For two years it’s been every about her. My trusty sidekick, my confidante, my best befriend and today I astonishment if it’ll ever be same that again. Maybe not for a while. Not patch I’m so busy handling with the lowercase guy.
If and when you introduced a ordinal female into the mix, how did you do it? Was it hard? Did you see blameable transfer home added baby?
Throw a second-time mama whatever tips, wouldja?
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