Belated, we know. Things have been hectic in the music world! What with Ultra Music Festival shaking The Sunshine State to its very core, LCD’s final week in performing music live, and Fleet Foxes Helplessness Blues leaking five weeks in advance (don’t pretend you haven’t been scouring the torrent sites looking for a piece of that action…), it’s been busy. We apologize for our lateness. But as Kanye so humbly put it, “Ya’ll should be honored by my lateness. That I would even show up to this fake shit? So go ahead, go nuts, go apeshit.” Okay, maybe that’s a little self-aggrandizing. We do apologize for our lateness. But hopefully clips from last week and a stellar schedule this week will help you to forgive us at a more rapid rate. First things first: what on earth did Julian Casablancas snort/smoke/inject before playing Letterman last week? Whatever it was, get that man some more of it. Hell, I’ll buy the next round of the mystery chemical! That was more animation in one song than I’ve seen out of Jules in the three times I’ve seen The Strokes combined. Next, Cut Copy brought their brilliant Zonoscope to Jimmy Fallon, and Little Dragon did similarly. And last but not least, Duran Duran emerged back into the limelight.
Can’t top that week you say? Well, you might be right. But. There are some incredible things to look forward to. For instance, two more Duran Duran appearances and yet another Strokes appearance! So far, they’ve played “Undercover Of Darkness”, “Life Is Simple In The Moonlight”, and “Taken For A Fool” on network television, so they aren’t sticking to any one song. So it’s anyone’s guess as to what they’ll be playing on Fallon this week. Other notables: Snoop Dogg, hip hop up and comer Freddie Gibbs, and some combination of Norah Jones, Willie Nelson, and Wynton Marsalis.
Here’s your Late Night Lobotomy.
Wed—Duran Duran
Thurs—Sum 41
Wed—The Strokes
Thurs—Duran Duran
Mon—Little Big Town
Tues—Panic! At The Disco
Wed—Willie Nelson, Norah Jones, Wynton Marsalis
Thurs—Funeral Party
Fri—Royal Bangs
Wed—Goldheart Assembly
Fri—The Greenhornes
Wed—Good Charlotte
Thurs—Mary Mary
Fri—Scissor Sisters
Corbett's education cuts fight brain drain with lobotomy
While I can't speak for the entire Edinboro University of Pennsylvania community, I can say that, as a professor here, I will miss our departing President Jeremy Brown.
I also think that his timing to leave, and the transition of leadership at Edinboro, offer a cautionary teaching moment to Gov. Tom Corbett and other politicians who are poised to cut the state higher education budget by 54 percent.
Brown, I'm sure, has his personal reasons for leaving, and I know that some disagree with or are criticizing his rather quick departure after four years. But during his time here, Brown increased enrollment, incentivized faculty scholarship, increased the quality of campus life, helped build excellent facilities and attracted students with higher composite SAT scores.
While the legacy of his short tenure will only be born out in time, I have always had the sense that his goal was to not settle for third-tier status for our state institution, but rather that we be a competitive institution of higher education, regardless of the challenge of our rural, snow-belt geography. Given his career trajectory, it was no secret to many of us that his time here would be short-lived, but we did benefit from his vision while he was here.
But now, for the university, and for the state politicians, this is where the rubber meets the road. The departure of any university president on relatively short notice requires that the replacement be made at a level that will increase the excellence of a university.
For Edinboro, other regional state institutions, such as Penn State Behrend, and for other institutions in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, the task of attracting top talent -- administrators, professors and students -- requires that we offer a competitive product. But how can we do that if we send the message to potential candidates that they are entering a system that's been decimated by lack of funding, or whose state government cares more about protecting big-business interests than it does protecting quality for its middle class constituencies?
In addition to the brain drain of educators, administrators and research talent we're facing, the students are now also facing a potential 33 percent tuition hike, which further lessens incentives for them to choose the PSSHE system.
How does a 33 percent rise in tuition per student not constitute a de facto tax hike for the average middle-class, or lower-middle class families, since this income group constitutes the majority of our demographic? And how does this provide any stimulus for the larger state economy?
If the politicians or residents of Pennsylvania think that prescribed draconian cuts directed against all levels of education from preschool to higher education, amounting to a loss of intellectual capital in our community, don't have a ripple effect on the long-term economy in our region, then they are mistaken. Surgically targeting education in this way, and without proper justification by Corbett, is a cutting off our nose to spite our face. You can't fight brain drain by administering a lobotomy on the patient.
I'm sure that "big business" will make the argument that the real culprits are regulation and taxation, which choke off the incentive to work and invest in our state. I think most reasonable people would support that business builds jobs, and jobs build wealth and prosperity. It's naive to think that's not the case. But with every pun intended at the oil and gas industry, we're continually held hostage by the threat of the loss of the "trickle down largesse" of the richest companies and the richest citizens.
The conceit that "they earned their money, so they deserve to keep it" doesn't seem to address that middle and lower class citizens "earned their money" just as hard. This is a battle of rhetoric we've all become accustomed to, and a gun that they'll never remove from our temple.
Their "victimhood" status has the distinct, salty taste of crocodile tears, though, as I don't see gas drillers leaving Pennsylvania gas or oil in the ground any time soon due to overregulation or taxation, I do see competent university administrators, professors and students deciding to seek employment and educational opportunities elsewhere because of low standards and compensation.
It continually amazes me how those who have the most to lose, and pay, continue to adopt a slave mentality to those who exploit their wallets and their fears.
How is it conscionable that the burden for education, public services, etc., gets shifted to the common citizens who are most likely going to be double-taxed in myriad nickel-and-dime ways in pay-per-service for everything from ambulance rides and police services to state park admission and college tuition increases.
How does that not constitute a regressive taxation system?
Corbett's willingness to cut the state's higher education budget by 54 percent, and to chip away at the budgets for K-12 throughout the state, immediately forfeits any claim of interest in excellence in education in our state. Conversely, they should also forfeit any demands on quality or productivity, which they are so quick to criticize, or legislate from the outside.
Many of us recognize that there is a termite problem in the house, but the question is, are you going to take the steps to preserve the house, or are you going to buy a new bass boat to take on a fishing trip with your buddies?
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