Peyton Manning and I have always had something in common. We both love University of Tennessee football. (Go Vols!) Now it seems as if we’ve got yet another thing that we share. No, unlike Caroline, Peyton’s wife is not pregnant. But she was. And the result of that pregnancy has given Peyton and me yet another thing in common.
For he’s now the father of multiples. Manning’s wife, Ashely, gave birth to twins on March 31. Good thing the NFL quarterback is used to calling audibles, because, as anyone with multiples will tell you, once you have multiples, nothing else goes as planned.
The couple was awfully hush-hush about the whole deal. Despite multiple reports of the double bundle of joy, Ashley refused to confirm the birth of the twins in an email to the Indianapolis Star. “We value our privacy and would appreciate you not putting this in the paper or online.”
Fair enough, but that didn’t stop the Star from bringing up the report from the The Neshoba Democrat, the hometown paper of Peyton’s mom, Olivia. Two days ago, in a column called Just Among Friends, the following was written:
“Exciting news from the NFL, times two! Peyton and Ashley Manning are the parents of twins, Marshall Williams Manning and Mosley Thompson Manning, a little football player and a cheerleader, born March 31, 2011, in Indianapolis, Ind. They are being welcomed by their cousin, Ava Frances Manning, born March 21, 2011, to Eli and Abby Manning.”
The source was a Manning family member. Given the grind that the Mannings are about to go through, I sure hope that Manning family member is willing to help out. Because Peyton and Ashley are gonna need all the help they can get.
Reports: Colts quarterback Peyton Manning, wife Ashley parents of twins
The Mannings are parents, reports say.
Colts quarterback Peyton Manning and his wife, Ashley, are the parents of twins named Marshall Williams Manning and Mosley Thompson Manning, several reports out today say. The twin boy and girl were born March 31 in Indianapolis.
Ashley Manning would not confirm reports of the births of the baby boy and girl.
“We value our privacy and would appreciate you not putting this in the paper or online,” she wrote in an e-mail message to The Indianapolis Star.
The Neshoba Democrat, the hometown newspaper of the four-time NFL MVP’s mother, Olivia, reported the news Wednesday on its website. Today, Managing Editor Debbie Myers told The Star that news of the twins — which appeared in the column “Just Among Friends, by reporter Rachel Evans — came from a Manning family member.
The report from the Philadelphia, Miss., newspaper quickly went viral, popping up on news media Twitter feeds and celebrity news and fan websites, including RadarOnline.com and StampedeBlue.com.
NBC Sports’ “Pro Football Talk” website also reported that it had confirmed the news.
Ashley Manning is a quiet civic player in Indianapolis, and she and her husband are major supporters of The Peyton Manning Children's Hospital at St. Vincent in Downtown Indianapolis.
She also appears at other charitable functions, most recently the Christamore House Guild Vegas Fight Night, a November fundraiser for the Haughville-based social services agency. The event, which also benefited the Indy Police Athletic League boxing program, drew such celebrities as Elaine Irwin and her son, Hud Mellencamp.
The Manning twins are being welcomed by their cousin, Ava Frances Manning, born March 2l to Peyton’s brother Eli Manning and his wife Abby.
Inquiries to the Colts and the Mannings' representatives at the sports management agency IMG World did not yield further information.
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